Dreamers and Doers…

A Special Invitation…

Lets Make Something Magical Happen!

Are You A Dreamer?

Hello all you dreamers out there! If you’ve ever had a dream you wanted to take and make a reality this invitation is for you. If you ever thought that dream was something you couldn’t accomplish on your own, this invitation is for you! If you know there is something more out there for you but it has remained just out of your reach, this invitation is for YOU! We all have dreams, we all, at some point let those dreams take a back seat to the stress, and chaos of our everyday lives. Well, I think its about time we all get together, pull our dreams out of the rear and toss em behind the wheel! Whaduya say?!


big things quote


It Can Be a Big Job!

I’ve just recently started on a very BIG project of my own, as many of you already know, I’ve been hard at work on redesigning my shop and sites! I’ve always wanted my business to be something more than just a little jewelry shop, I’ve been really wanting to get this old blog here going, wanting to make something beautiful and special out of this pace! I’ve always wanted it to be somewhere you can come after a long day to relax, get a little soul food, a smile, some inspiration, and maybe something that touches you in a way that sparks a fire in your soul. I’ve always wanted it to be a whole lot more than just a place you go to buy stuff, all be it, really pretty stuff, HA! How long have I been wanting to do all this? Probably all the way back since I took the initiative to moving off Etsy and opening this website! I did take that first big leap and it ended up being quite a bit more work than I had planned on, and after that first month the initiative kind of tapered off. It just always seemed like such a huge undertaking; to build things up and keep that dream going, I’m sure you know the feeling. I never felt that I had all the right tools I needed, or it just wasn’t the right time, I had too many other things going on, I told myself, I’ll start on it next month. Then a month turned into two and then three and before I knew it it had been a whole year. I finally decided to JUST DO IT! I realized that it was never going to be the perfect time, I was never going to feel truly ready, and this dream I had wasn’t going to bring itself to life! So I just decided to jump on in, and I’ll tell ya what, its been a lot of work so far, but… IT FEELS AMAZING!

life is short quote

What’s Holding You Back?

How many of you can relate to these thoughts? “I just don’t have the time right now.” “I wouldn’t know where to begin.” “My dreams are not that important.” “There are so many other things I need to do before I could even think about seeing the beginning of my dreams take place.” All of those: “I’d love to do        but…”  Well, I’m here to tell you, “YOUR NOT ALONE!” Most of us have at least one something we’ve been wanting to do, whether its start a business or make the one you have better, organize your life or your home, maybe you want to finally get into shape, or you want to write a book or start your own blog, maybe you really want to be the best mom, person, or friend you know you could be. Whatever it is, whether you think its too big to accomplish or too silly to take seriously, you have dreams and they CAN become a reality! You just need to identify them and what it is thats keeping you from them. The obstacles standing in your way may be big or small but with a little courage, motivation and perseverance we can overcome them, together! Never underestimate yourself!


dare to dream big heart quote

The Invitation

So what am I purposing? I’m purposing we take the next year to really get serious about our goals and dreams. Mine are big and I’m sure you have some whoppers of your own! Sometimes I feel unsure of myself, sometimes I doubt my capabilities, sometimes I need that little something you can only get when others believe in you! Now I’ve been so incredibly blessed to have people like that in my life, and surprisingly, to me anyway, a few of the most inspiring ones are people I’ve met online, via my business or theirs. I want to give you that too! I want to create a tool that will help us all to take our passions, dreams and goals and that initial excitement you always feel in the beginning, far beyond that first step. Most of us just need that little reminder, someone else who believes in us or has been in our shoes, to rekindle that fire when it goes out, to keep us going and lift us up when we have doubts. I want to start a group of like minded people with dreams and big ideas who really want to take this next year to make them come to life! The secret to bringing your dreams to life is first believing you CAN, and second, taking the first steps to making that happen. I’ve always believed that positivity and motivation breed the like, so pulling a group of people together who are all reaching for the same thing; their goals and dreams, seemed like the logical thing to do! Sure, I could just post challenges, inspirational quotes, steps to take and tips to achieving your goals here on the blog, but I think if we really want to take this thing seriously, then coming together to inspire, motivate and lift each other up, will be so much more powerful!


surround yourself with inspiring beings quote

So Here’s The Plan!

I’ll be setting up a FB group and “Dreamers and Doers” mailing list for those who would like to take that first step in making their dreams into goals and realities. In the group I’ll be posting motivational stuffs including challenges, inspiring stories, tips and tricks to setting and achieving goals, and SO much more! I am hoping and truly believe that the people who want to be part of this will be some very special and inspiring beings themselves and will also contribute to this wonderful experience in ways I can’t even begin to imagine!


create a vision, bed quote

Are You With Me!?

I hope I’ve given you some inspiration to pull those dreams of yours out, dust em off and join me in making them realities in the new year! HERE IS HOW:


  • Join the Dreamers and Doers group on Facebook! The first challenge will be posted there tomorrow, and this will be the place where most of the action goes down, if you are not on FB you can still join in via the mailing list, and here on the blog, it just wont be as interactive. If you really want to get the full experience, and aren’t yet on Facebook, I highly recommend creating a quick profile and joining the group, you really don’t have to be serious about Facebook to be in the group and join us. If you need help setting up a profile and finding the group go ahead and contact me and I’ll help you through it!


  • Join the Dreamers Mailing List, get extra info, tools, tips and inspiration, features on Dreamers in our group every month, and more to go along with the challenges from the Facebook group, just click above and select “The Dreamer Challenge” box at the bottom. You will NOT receive any jewelry/ sales/ discount/ sneak peak stuffs unless you choose to click that box also. This segment of my mailing list is strictly for the Dreamers and Doers group, nothing else, I promise! If you are already on my mailing list this will NOT make you receive doubles of anything it will just update your profile preferences so I know to send you the Dreamers and Doers Letters.


I would love to hear any and all ideas comments and suggestions you may have that could make our group even better. One thing I’ve been wondering is whether or not to make this group private or public on Facebook, I’ve never managed a large group like this, and am wondering if those of you who would like to be involved would feel more comfortable, opening up, sharing and interacting, if only other members could see your posts. How are you guys feeling, how would you like the group to be? It will be as much mine as it is yours!

Hopefully we will be chatting REALLY soon! ❤